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UWTSD's Made Cymru creates powerful cutting-edge alliance of manufacturers

Sophie Taylor

UWTSD's MADE Cymru is delighted to add the expertise of TWI Technology Centre Wales and Haydale to one of its collaborative R&D projects with British Rototherm Company. The project is successfully delivering new manufacturing processes and product innovations through a combination of research, within the areas of advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques and materials engineering.

TWI Technology Centre Wales is a partner of University of Wales Trinity Saint David and specialises in the development and application of state-of-the-art NDT testing methods and Haydale is a technology solutions company who are pioneers in the functionalisation of graphene.

Oliver Conger, Managing Director at British Rototherm says, “When we work together, we can do so much more. Wales has so many high quality, super-agile manufacturers. Coronavirus has accelerated our investment in new technologies and processes. It has also encouraged us to work collaboratively. Manufacturing in Wales is incredibly robust, and we are looking forward to working with Haydale and TWI to super-boost our project with MADE Cymru.”

Luca Pagano, Senior Research Engineer on the MADE Cymru project says, “This is an such an effective collaborative relationship, and it has already made a huge positive impact to what we are trying to achieve. There is a real spirit of collaboration amongst manufacturers in Wales and when you team that up with our research and academic expertise, the results are pretty mind blowing. I’m thrilled to be working with such incredible organisations and am looking forward to seeing what we achieve in 2022.”

MADE Cymru’s Advanced Design Engineering initiative works with small and medium sized companies in Wales that already manufacture successful products and are open to exploring new technologies, products, and processes. There are still a few places left to take part in this fully funded (European Regional Development Fund via Welsh Government) initiative. But be quick as there is only a small window of time left to sign up. Send us an email and we can have a chat.

In the meantime, here’s a teaser video of an X-ray CT scan - a Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation (NDT&E) technique.



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